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Ribs - Typical (R3-R9)

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Ribs are also classified as typical or atypical.

A typical rib (R3-9):
a. Head - articulates with vertebrae of same number plus next highest vertebrae (i.e. has 2 articular facets - R5 with T4 and T5)

b. Neck: tapered area just lateral to the head, medial to costal tubercle - superior part called the crest

c. Body: (shaft) most of rib, from neck to its anterior articulation. Has a twist in addition to other landmarks:

i. Costal tubercle - articulates with transverse process of vertebrae of the same number

ii. Costal angle - where shaft turns sharply anteriorly, just lateral to tubercle

iii. Costal groove - inside of lower border – contains v., n., a.

Rib 3 depicted and labeled. Tap image to toggle labels if desired. Go on to next page.

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